EAR-24-022 | MLS36e | Moonguy |

MLS36e “This probably most rhythmic EAR release MoonGuy takes you on a hypnotizing journey into a danceable atmosphere and on the other hand relaxing world of beautiful sounds, bass lines and note progressions. Pay special attention to the visual – an important part of Live Reports – that supports this arrangement in a superb way.”… Continue reading EAR-24-022 | MLS36e | Moonguy |

EAR-24-020 | Sakura Variations – 4 studies for modular synthesizer | Dries Geusens |

Sakura Variations – 4 studies for modular synthesizer “4 pieces combined in 1 track serving beautiful sounddesign, fantastic harmonies, emotional-deep-calm layers, inspiring transitions, modular solos, energetic-relaxing-hypnotising rhythms and sequences with sometimes a jazzy flavor.” First release on EAR and EAR’s twentieth release.

EAR-24-017 | Snowbeach Odyssey | NOIZ over NOIZ |

SNOWBEACH ODYSSEY “A 5 piece album made by 2 artist that use each others fundamental recordings to create new soundscapes manipulating (reverse, transpose, chop, granulate,…) those fundamentals.” First release on EAR and EAR’s seventeenth release.