We try to answer most asked questions on this page. Click on the question and the answer will appear. Is your question not listed you can always contact us.

Did you read our 'Your release on EAR' page, where the most important guidelines are listed?

Still question don't hesitate to contact us.

Yes, there are some general rules that have no impact on your creativity. The rules are set to obtain a EAR vibe on all releases.

As soon as you and EAR are on speaking terms about a release you will receive a document with guide lines.

Did you read our 'Your release on EAR' page, where the most important guidelines are listed? Still question don't hesitate to contact us.

EAR releases can be found on Bandcamp - you need a free Bandcamp fan page - there you also can support the label by purchasing the complete discography for a fair price.

(E)artists gets the opportunity to share their release for free.

Still question don't hesitate to contact us.